Friday, May 30, 2008

April 8, 9, 10

The weather's been pretty foul, typical northern Idaho fare for April. Winter just won't give up. No problem, there's plenty to do on the ground yet -- playing with the G1000 simulator, studying the airplane flight manual, and checking up on Number 008 that is beginning to take shape on the assembly line.

Finally on Thursday there's a break in the weather, and we fuel up and take off on our first scenario. The Kodiak is not a difficult airplane to fly, but it can be a handful with all that performance, and ALL the functions of the Garmin distracting your attention. The training scenario calls for a search for a Girl Scout party stranded on a mountain, with GPS coordinates as the only available information. The successful location of the lost party is followed with some landings at Deer Park, and a couple instrument approaches, including one that ends back in Sandpoint.

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