With all these new aircraft getting ready to go overseas, we have some older ones that we are disposing of. In some cases, that means bringing them back to the U.S. Such is the case for our Piper Navajo RP-C2748, after many years of service to our work in the Philippines.
Today it embarks on the next leg of its flight across the Pacific after several days of delay in Guam, waiting for a replacement part for a failed High Frequency radio.

Just last week our pilots and mechanics were putting the finishing touches on the airplane, including a "ferry tank" to extend its range. Then the team gathered around RP-C2748 and commended it and the two pilots, Roger and Ken, to God's protection on their trip across the Pond.

Now, re-equipped with a High Frequency Radio, they are departing on their next leg, Guam-Tarawa, followed by Christmas Island, and finally American soil, Hilo, Hawaii. After the final and longest jump to California, they will complete the journey to North Carolina. Stay tuned for updates over the next few days.