Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Porter Arrives at Paint Shop

After about eight hours of flight time spread over two days, we arrived in San Angelo, TX where the PC-6 Porter will get its new coat of paint. We spent a good night in Longview, TX with friends from LeTourneau University and the family of one of our mechanics from southeast Asia where this Porter is headed.

Miles and miles of Texas!

Ranger Aviation, aircraft painting specialists

Nate gets all the details right with the paint pros

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Grins

Just proof that I was here, too. Comparing this airplane to the Kodiak is like speaking two different languages. Like I've said before, I never met an airplane I didn't like. But there's always the initial learning curve, and right now, after three flights with Nate, the curve's pretty steep!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

PC-6 Porter Takes Off

Last Tuesday the Porter took its first flight under a JAARS pilot's control here in Waxhaw. Nate Gordon, one of our staff from southeast Asia, had come to conduct a training course for some of our pilots here (including me), and to give the airplane its initial flight tests. As with any job like this, there have been a few loose ends to resolve, but it's a lot farther along than it was when I took this picture below.

The panel now sports new Garmin and Honeywell equipment, configured just like its two sister ships already on the field.

Meanwhile, Nate began teaching us the finer points about the Porter in class and in flight. From this picture, it appears that Nate (left) and Pete Lawry (right) are having a little too much fun.